Saturday 12 May 2012

Fallout of JP Morgan hedging loss.

In the light of JP Morgan’s stunning losses on derivatives with the full scope of total potential losses still not yet clear.  But the real losers in this turn of event are not limited to J P Morgan and its board but it covers many more.
1) CDS as an instrument: It has revitalized critics who have started talking against credit default swaps as unmanageable and its effectiveness as hedge instrument.  Critics are panning CDS down as an instrument but they are forgetting that, it was stupidity of position takers not the instrument itself which resulted into this loss. Taking such a big position on illiquid vintage CDX 9 series (current one is CDX 18) is recipe of disaster. Once market knows that you have such a huge concentrated position it will make exit troublesome.  It was excess of credit which brought financial crisis not access to credit, same way the  use to leverage their balance sheet  by financials like Lehman and AIG created problem not CDS since CDS is still an effective hedge instrument which diversify risk to broader set of investors.
2) Regulators:  In the spring, JP Morgan passed the Federal reserve test with flying colors.  The Fed agreed to let JP Morgan increase its dividend and buy back shares. There was no hint in the stress tests that JP Morgan could be facing these kinds of potential losses.  Since regulators mostly rely on model used by banks, which is generally designed by so called “Quants”.  There may be call to have a deeper look at those internal models, rightly so !
3) Regulation: There is a very thin demarcation line between hedge and prop trading, prima facie it looks like the huge position taken by CIO office was atleast bordering on the prop trading. Such activity will be illegal under Dodd Frank act (Volcker rule), and this incidence will reinvigorate the demand for more stringent regulation. However, in the aftermath of financial crisis we need smart regulation not more regulations.  Heavy regulation will curb credit which is required for economy to grow. So we need more prudent regulations and regulators.
4) More bad news to follow: Even though James Damien said "just because we were stupid does not other are also is not true" may be a very optimistic assessment of his peers and there might be a few more bad news to follow. Since in OTC market, it’s the herd mentality which rules.
5) Rating of Financials:  Rating agency "once bitten twice shy" may consider to take action on individual name or financials as a whole. Not a good omen for banking.

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