Friday 9 March 2012

Payroll climb

Employers in the U.S. boosted payrolls more than forecast in February, capping the best six- month streak of job growth since 2006 and sending stocks higher.

The 227,000 increase followed a revised 284,000 gain in January that was bigger than first estimated, Labor Department figures showed today in Washington. The median projection of economists in a Bloomberg News survey called for a 210,000 rise. The jobless rate held at 8.3 percent, even as 476,000 more workers sought employment.

Unemployment Rate:

8.3% in Feb 2012

Change in Unemployment Level:

+48,000 in Feb 2012

Change in Employment Level:

+428,000 in Feb 2012

Change in Civilian Labor Force Level:

+476,000 in Feb 2012

Civilian Labor Force Participation Rate:

63.9% in Feb 2012

Employment-Population Ratio:

58.6% in Feb 2012


Unemployment Rate:

8.9% for 2011

Unemployment Level:

13,747,000 for 2011

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